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"Comparing ChatGPT and ChatGPT-4: Differences and Use Cases"

 The official release of ChatGPT-4 confirms long-running reports about its enhancements to the OpenAI's ChatGPT's already astounding linguistic abilities.Microsoft indicated in advance that GPT-4 would be publicly introduced on March 13, even though the precise date was unknown. Nevertheless, as of right moment, it's only accessible through the ChatGPT Plus 
 premium membership. ChatGPT's free version will continue to use GPT-3.5 as its foundation.

"Comparing ChatGPT and ChatGPT-4: Differences and Use Cases"

what is chatgpt4

Begin with the name. GPT-4 stands for "generative pretrained transformer 4," and the Chat part is self-explanatory since it is an interactive computer interface. This indicates that the OpenAI programme is currently in its fourth iteration and has gone through extensive data analysis to learn how to produce writing that sounds human and provide users with in-depth answers to questions.

Compared to ChatGPT-3.5, ChatGPT-4 is more precise, inventive, and cooperative, and is "40% more likely" to generate factual responses.

In addition, an API for GPT-4 will be made available "enabling developers to construct apps and services." Several businesses that have already used GPT-4 include Khan Academy, Be My Eyes, Stripe, and Duolingo. The first public GPT-4 presentation, showcasing some of its new features, was also livestreamed on YouTube.The new language model GPT-4, developed by OpenAI, can produce text that sounds like human speech. It will advance the GPT-3.5-based technology that ChatGPT now employs. Generative Pre-trained Transformer, sometimes known as GPT, is a deep learning tool that employs artificial neural networks to write naturally.This new generation of language models, according to OpenAI, is better advanced in three crucial areas: inventiveness, visual input, and lengthier context. According to OpenAI, GPT-4 is significantly more creative and is much better at working with users on creative projects. They include, for instance, technical writing, music, scripts. 

The longer context also affects this. Up to 25,000 words of text from the user can now be processed by GPT-4. You can even ask GPT-4 to interact with text from a web page by simply sending it a link. According to OpenAI, this can be useful for "longer dialogues" as well as the generation of long-form content.Moreover, GPT-4 may now accept photos as a foundation for communication. The chatbot is shown an image of a few baking ingredients in the example supplied on the GPT-4 website, and it is then asked what can be produced with them. 

Also, GPT-4 is reportedly much safer to utilise than GPT-3, according to OpenAI. According to internal testing by OpenAI, it can generate 40% more factual responses while also being 82% less likely to "respond to requests for banned content."

OpenAI claims to have collaborated with "over 50 experts for early feedback in domains including AI safety and security," and that this progress has been made through training with human feedback.

Special features

One of ChatGPT-4’s most dazzling new features is the ability to handle not only words, but pictures too, in what is being called “multimodal” . A user will have the ability to submit a picture alongside text — both of which ChatGPT-4 will be able to process and discuss. The ability to input video is also on the horizon

What is multimodal feature

Multimodal characteristics are those that come from a variety of sensory inputs, including audio, video, and text. In other words, these features incorporate data from several sources to give a more thorough depiction of a thing, an occasion, or an idea.
Multimodal characteristics in picture recognition, for instance, could comprise colour, texture, shape, and spatial interactions between image components. Multimodal characteristics in natural language processing may contain the text's sentiment, tone, and subject matter in addition to the context in which it is used.
Multimodal characteristics are frequently employed in artificial intelligence and machine learning applications because they can increase the predictive model accuracy and the capacity of computers to comprehend and interact with their environment.

"Comparing ChatGPT and ChatGPT-4: Differences and Use Cases"

How do I utilise ChatGPT-4?

By registering with OpenAI here, the majority of individuals can try out basic ChatGPT, albeit there may be limitations in specific nations and areas. Nevertheless, the most recent version is only now being made available as an API tool for developers to include into their applications and to ChatGPT Plus members for $20 per month  Joining the waitlist is possible here.

You'll probably find it on Bing, Microsoft's search engine, in the future. Right now, if you visit the Bing website and click the "chat" icon at the top, you'll probably be taken to a page that asks you to join a waitlist; access is being given out to users gradually.

How it will be helpful 

Use ChatGPT-4, a potent language model that can produce human-like responses to a variety of cues, in a number of different ways. Here are a few illustrations:

  1.  ChatGPT-4 can be used for talking or chatting. It will produce an answer that is appropriate and pertinent to the issue when you prompt it with any query or topic.
  2. ChatGPT-4 can be used to create content, including articles, blog posts, and even fiction. You can choose a question or subject, and ChatGPT-4 will produce an interesting text.
  3. ChatGPT-4 is also capable of performing language translation. A text in one language can be provided, and ChatGPT-4 will produce a translation in another.
  4. Complete a text: ChatGPT-4 also has a text completion feature. When you give ChatGPT-4 the start of a sentence, it will create text that makes sense and completes it.
  5. Customized Recommendations: Using ChatGPT-4, users can receive recommendations that are tailored to their tastes. For instance, by giving ChatGPT-4 details about a user's preferences, past purchases, or browsing history, it might come up with suggestions for goods, services, or content the user might find interesting.You would need to provide ChatGPT-4 with user data and instruct it to produce suggestions based on that data in order to use it to provide personalised recommendations. To get recommendations for various products or types of information, you can give the model various cues or inquiries. You may ask it questions like "What are the best books for someone who like science fiction?" or "What are the finest movies for someone who likes action and adventure?" as an example.Businesses and organisations who want to give their clients or users individualised experiences may find using ChatGPT-4 for personalised recommendations useful.
  6. Better text generation: Compared to ChatGPT-3 or other language models, ChatGPT-4 can produce text that is more coherent and contextually appropriate. For a variety of language generation activities, including chatbots, content development, and customer support, this makes it valuable.
  7. Improved natural language processing: ChatGPT-4 can interpret and process natural language more effectively due to its bigger size and more complicated design, which can result in responses that are more accurate and pertinent. As a result, it is beneficial for language processing tasks including topic modelling, named entity identification, and sentiment analysis.
  8. Improved chatbot interactions: ChatGPT-4 can be used to create chatbots that are more intelligent and efficient and that can comprehend and react to a larger range of user inputs. This can enhance the user experience, boost engagement, and lessen the need for human involvement.
  9. Faster content creation: ChatGPT-4's capacity to produce high-quality text quickly can be useful for content creators who must quickly produce a lot of content, such writers and marketers. By doing this, the content's quality can be increased while simultaneously saving time and resources.
  10. Enhanced automation: ChatGPT-4's features can make language-based processes like customer support, content moderation, and translation more automated. This can enhance user experience overall and result in more efficiency, cost savings, and scalability.

 Diffrence between chatgpt and chatgpt4

Although both ChatGPT and ChatGPT-4 are language models created by OpenAI, their size and performance vary.
  1. 117 million parameters make up ChatGPT, whereas 175 billion parameters make up ChatGPT-4. This indicates that ChatGPT-4 has a far higher learning and text-generation capabilities, enabling it to provide more precise and well-rounded responses.
  2. Data used for training: Compared to ChatGPT-4, ChatGPT was trained on a smaller dataset. ChatGPT-4 was trained on a substantially bigger dataset of over 570 gigabytes of text data, making it more thorough than ChatGPT, which was trained on a dataset of approximately 45 terabytes of text data.
  3. Performance: ChatGPT-4 has outperformed ChatGPT in a number of language tasks, including question-answering, language translation, and summarization, among others.
  4. Use cases: ChatGPT-4 is better suited for more complicated linguistic activities including content creation, tailored recommendations, and more sophisticated chatbot applications due to its greater size and improved speed.
  5. ChatGPT-4, as opposed to ChatGPT, allows for fine-tuning. A language model that has already been trained is fine-tuned to enhance its performance on a particular task or domain. Users can fine-tune the model with ChatGPT-4 using their own datasets to enhance its performance on certain language tasks like sentiment analysis, chatbot applications, or content creation.
  6. Computing requirements: When compared to ChatGPT, ChatGPT-4 requires much more computing power to run and train. Training ChatGPT-4 takes a lot of computer resources and specialised hardware due to its enormous parameter size. For smaller-scale applications or systems with constrained computational resources, ChatGPT-4 may not be practical.
  7. Due to its larger size and more complicated architecture, ChatGPT-4 often generates responses more slowly than ChatGPT. This can affect how usable it is in real-time applications where response speed is crucial, such chatbots or voice assistants.
  8. Cost: Compared to ChatGPT, ChatGPT-4 is more expensive to train and maintain due to its larger size and more complicated architecture. This might affect how affordable or small enterprises or other organisations can access it.\
  9. Concerns about privacy may arise because ChatGPT and ChatGPT-4 are both pre-trained on a lot of text data. To safeguard user privacy, ChatGPT-4 has increased privacy features like the capacity to produce fictitious data.
  10. ChatGPT-4 is anticipated to receive frequent updates and improvements, whereas ChatGPT is no longer updated by OpenAI. This implies that ChatGPT-4's functionality and performance will probably keep evolving over time.

"Comparing ChatGPT and ChatGPT-4: Differences and Use Cases"

The bottom line is that while ChatGPT and ChatGPT-4 are both strong language models, there are differences between them in terms of compute needs, performance, cost, privacy features, and future updates. When picking which model to use for a particular application or use case, it is crucial to be aware of these distinctions.


In conclusion, OpenAI's ChatGPT and ChatGPT-4 sophisticated language models have transformed tasks involving language creation and natural language processing. While there are some similarities between them, there are also significant distinctions that allow for a variety of applications and use cases.

In comparison to ChatGPT-4, ChatGPT has a smaller and less complicated model with 1.5 billion parameters. It is more appropriate for smaller-scale applications or systems with constrained processing resources because it is typically faster and less computationally intensive. Moreover, ChatGPT has been extensively employed in both academic and commercial applications, including chatbots, content creation, and language interpretation.

The ChatGPT-4 model, on the other hand, has a staggering 4.6 billion parameters, making it bigger and more sophisticated. This increases its power and enables it to produce text of a higher calibre than ChatGPT. ChatGPT-4 excels at sophisticated language problems like conversational AI, summarization, and machine translation.

Yet ChatGPT-4 also costs more and is harder to use for smaller firms or organisations with tighter budgets because it needs a lot more computational power to run and train. In real-time applications like chatbots or voice assistants, its increased size and complexity can also result in slower reaction times and less scalability.

Overall, ChatGPT and ChatGPT-4 are useful tools for language processing and generation tasks. While choose which model to utilise for a particular application, it is important to consider each model's unique strengths and weaknesses. It is probable that even more potent and sophisticated language models will be created in the future as natural language processing continues to progress and get better.

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